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Paul Colman Trio

Concert Review                          
    April 2, 2004




First of all I'd like to say I was amazed at the size of the Church.  No,  it wasn't big.   It was an average sized church,  and the inside looked even smaller.   The room where the concert was held looked like the Church gym,  and that wasn't all that big ... what amazed me about all this is the fact that here's these two AWESOME musicians coming to a small town in Indiana ... just to perform to a average sized audience.   It touched me.   It really did.   Paul Coleman and Matthew West definitely have their hearts in the right place.  They're NOT doing this for the money.
Matthew West was first to perform.  And he only performed for 35 minutes.   I'm not sure why.  But nevertheless,  he was great!     At one point during his performance,  Paul Coleman came out to give Matthew a Starbucks coffee.  He said "Thanks Paul"   Then he turns to the audience and says,  "Yeah that's Paul he works for me."  He was constantly cracking us up.  He talked about what inspired him to write his song "More"  (My personal favorite of his)   He said a friend of his has a little boy and one night while putting his son to bed,  his son said to him,  "I love you more than ice cream."  (How cute is that!)
Then Matthew's friend said to his son,  "Well I love you more than cookies,  but you still gotta go to bed."
The son then says,  "Well I love you more than Buzz Lightyear."   And this progressed into a little game about how much they love each other.   Matthew then explains how God loves us like that and how we should love our Lord like this.   And so his song "More"  was written. 
Paul Coleman came on next with his band and he ROCKED my ears are still ringing.   He performed for about an hour and a half.    There was this one song he sang called "Crooked Mirror"  and I'm not sure it's even on any of his CD's.   He said he only sang it once before on stage years ago.   He wrote it for his sister on her birthday.  It's about how sometimes girls don't think they're pretty,  but Jesus sees beauty in all of us.  It was an excellent song.   Near the end of the concert, Paul sang Happy Birthday to 2 girls.   One just turned 18.  The other turned 10 and she got to go up on stage while we all sang Happy Birthday to her.  It was adorable.  Paul really got involved with the audience.   He was a riot.
The whole event seemed really intimate and personal.   A very comfortable atmosphere and lots of fun. Several young girls ran up to the front and were jumping around and dancing all night.   It was so cute! and Paul was chatting with them often.   (In the picture you'll see one of the little girls near the stage)
I had a great time!   I'm definitely seeing them again when they're in town!


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