Sept/Oct 1994
by Bobbi
Bobbi (interviewer) )
( ERIC - Eric Balmer / LUIS - Luis Garcia / SCOTT -
Scott Silletta / ADAM - Adam Ferry / DARCEY - Darcey
(Luis' wife) )
Transcribed out by the
psychotic one
August 13, 1994
-- Rock For Life ][, Anaheim, CA
"It's been a long and hot summer and being
without our local boys didn't make it any easier. My
sister Bridgette and I were escatic to not only get to
hear Plankeye again but to spend some time with them.
After an incredible set, Scott, Eric, Adam, Luis, and
his girlfriend Darcey made me wish that this interview
was done on video because somehow written words won't
describe the experience we went through...
BOBBI: It's cool to have you guys back and to
hear you play again.
ERIC: I always see you at our shows, I'll look over
and say, "Hey, there's my sisters over
there!" [laughter]
BOBBI: How long have you guys known each other?
LUIS: I've known Eric for a year and a half...a year?
ERIC: But you knew me before I was in the band.
SCOTT: Most of us have known each other for three
years but I've known Adam for eight years.
BOBBI: How long has the band been together?
SCOTT: It will be three years in November except for
Eric, he's been in the band for a year in October.
LUIS: Ya know, Eric might as well been with us the
whole time...let's make that up. [laughter]
BOBBI: You've just finished touring the U.S.
and since you have a large following in S. California,
was it a big transition to play in towns where you may
not have been as well known?
SCOTT: A couple of them. Some of them only had 50-100
kids but at all of them, the people knew our songs and
they were singing along. It freaked me out.
ERIC: I would say no because the fans in California
are spoiled. At our first show we were just blwn away
bu how the fans just rocked out to the music. 60 kids
just going crazy.
ADAM: Yeah, they made more noise than the 500 here
tonight. The fans outside the state are just hungry
for music and they totally get into it.
LUIS: Like Houston...and I would just like to speak
for all of Plankeye when I say...Texas is huge!
ADAM: Texas is God's country...
LUIS: ...and rodeo is America's #1 sport.
(They proceed to describe Adam's rodeo belt bucket until
they all decide to grab their faces, pull at their cheeks,
and yell. I'm still trying to figure out that one--B.)
ADAM: I hope that's not going
in there!
BOBBI: What was your most memorable show?
SCOTT: The last one...
LUIS: ...at Murtyle Beach, South Carolina.
ADAM: At the last show we had a kid come and accept
the Lord. The whole tour was kinda like were planting
seeds but we finally got to see the harvest...Charlie,
we love you.
ERIC: I was writing in my journal the other day,
writing a tour summary...ya know, you'd be proud of
LUIS: For an hour?
ERIC: I'd say maybe 59 minutes [laughter]...and I said
that Charlie was the reason we were out there. Also,
at the last show, the spirit was a blast.
SCOTT: People were crying and weeping.
ADAM: After the show we played worship and people were
getting annointed. That's why it was our best, because
the people started the worship.
LUIS: It was insane the way the spirit of God was
moving like the wind.
SCOTT: That one and Jacksonville, Florida were my
favorites because that's where God broke me down and
touched my heart. I fully started crying while we were
playing. It was rad.
ERIC: Hopefully, the Lord works in every show just in
different ways. Those were just times when it was just
more...I don't know if tangable is the right word.
Even tonight we just played and had fun but I had a
guy come up to me afterwards and say that he was
really encoraged by us, I was pretty stoked by that.
SCOTT: It makes it all worth it.
(At this moment, Luis takes a good look at Scott.)
LUIS: Scott, you're just the
blue man tonight. He's got the blue shorts on, blue
socks, blue shirt...
BOBBI:: ...the hair's special for this
LUIS: You've even got the blue hair. [laughter]
BOBBI: Are you involved in any other activities
or have any other special interests besides the band?
SCOTT: Yeah, I like to paint...
ERIC: He likes to watch T.V.
SCOTT: I like burgers from Denny's and watching T.V...I'm
a loaf.
ERIC: I like to play my accoustics more than anything.
I like to hang out with my girlfriend Nina, whom I
love and would like to marry.
ALL: Ahhhh...
ERIC: Reading is one of my favorite things to do and I
like to write in my journal...not stories but just my
thoughts...I don't know, tree climbing once in a
while, play darts, I do like to take walks alone by
myself sometimes...
LUIS: Eric wishes he had a beard so when he talked, he
could pull at it like this.
[Luis proceeds to demonstrate in upmost concentration...laughter]
SCOTT: Eric wished he had
facial hair.
ERIC: ...and I like to philosophize with my friend
Aaron Bradford.
LUIS: Ya know man, if you ate a lot of onions you
could get some hair.
ADAM: I like to hang out with my girlfriend
Jenny...can you put "Jenny, you're
beautiful" in there with quotation marks for me?
I'd really appreciate it.
BOBBI: Sure.
ERIC: Wait, and for Nina can you put "Hi Boushka."
ADAM: Hey man, now you're biting me.
LUIS: You had your turn man, you had your turn.
ADAM: Yeah...I also surf, play baseball, go to school,
read my bible...and did I say I hang out with my
ERIC: Oh, and I go to school at Biola University too.
That's one of the big things in my life that I forgot
to mention.
LUIS: Ya know man...you're really pushing your luck.
You're talking out of turn and now listen here, chisel
ERIC: Hey turkey...it's been 18 years. [laughter]
ADAM: I also like running and playing pool.
ERIC: I like to play pool too.
SCOTT: Eric likes everything we like.
BOBBI: Next time Eric goes last...okay?
LUIS: I lead a group of guys in a youth group at
church...and I have a little dog that I'm training.
She's pretty cool.
SCOTT: Darcey found it in Oregon and they drove all
the way home with it.
[At this point, my buddy Todd sneaks into the room to put
his sweaty t-shirt and other valuables in my backpack.]
TODD: This isn't goint to be
in the interview is it?
BOBBI: Yeah, it's all going in.
SCOTT: This is Todd, former bass player of Unashamed.
ADAM: ...with a nice hairy chest...
SCOTT: ...and lots of cool tatoos.
TODD: Hello. [and we continue...]
LUIS: I'm going to Biola this fall. I'll be a
philosophy of religion major and I'll be studying very
hard. I will not be seen for the next 18 weeks.
SCOTT: I'm going back to school for the first time for
the first time in a long tine. I'm going to Calvery
Chaple School and Ministries.
BOBBI: You've started recording your second
album, how's it going?
SCOTT: We have seven drum tracks laid down.
LUIS: We've only been in there for three days.
ADAM: Yeah, but two 10-hour days make up for it.
LUIS: Adam's jammin'
ADAM: I'm having a little bit of trouble but I'm
scratching through. [laugter]
[Adam then does a rendition of impersnations, including sound
SCOTT: Don't worry about
it...it's an Adam Ferry thing.
BOBBI: How is your music progressing on the
second album as compared to the first?
SCOTT: It's longer and totally different.
BOBBI: Yeah, you guys plays a lot of the new
songs tonight and they had a different sound compared
to the earlier stuff.
LUIS: It's a little more structured.
SCOTT: Mostly because Luis and Eric have been writing
most of the new music.
ADAM: It's a little more progressive then punk.
LUIS: Progressive is a bad word.
ADAM: Ok, don't put progressive.
SCOTT: I get to sing more.
BOBBI: When should the new one be out?
SCOTT: December 30...
ERIC: ...the Lord willing.
BOBBI: Sometimes Christian bands will water
down their lyrics so they'll appeal more to a secular
audience but on the contrary, your lyrics are very
straight forward about your faith. What are your
thoughts on that?
LUIS: We made up for it on this album.
SCOTT: What?
LUIS: Scott and we did everything we could to water
down the songs. Instead of Jesus we just said
"our friend" or "you" or
SCOTT: No we didn't, you liar!
BOBBI: You had me going...I was thinking, dang!
SCOTT: Actually on this album I've written all the
lyrics on it. It's still "gospely" but in a
different way almost. They're pretty musch straight
forward...it's just that you have to think a little
more. You'll hear something and it'll make you think
but you'll understand what I'm going through at that
LUIS: Would you say it's a little more personal?
SCOTT: Exactly.
BOBBI: One thing I really respect about the
band is the openness and honesty you have not only in
your lyrics but that you portray on stage. There's a
joy in your knowledge and serving of the Lord you're
also able to be honest about your struggles. Is that
something that comes naturally or do you have to
strive for it?
ERIC: I would say we are what we are by the grace of
ADAM: I'll say one thing about that...in our
relationship with each other, I know Luis and I try to
have an open accountability with each other which we
hold very high priority in this band....because one of
the things we've talked about is transparecy, like you
said on stage. People are going to know if you have an
attitude like that. People are going to know if you
don't have a joy of the lord. One of the things that
we try to do is be open with the intimate
things...from a struggle with your girlfriend to
smoking a cigarette. We always try to keep things open
as possible and not hide things from each other. You
can tell when someone's hiding something.
SCOTT: The question for me is that I'm just some
stupid guy from Orange County so I don't think I'm
special or anything so there's no reason to have an
attitude. I'm just a donkey and it's all God...it's
nothing of me that's for sure.
LUIS: We definatly strive to be that open and
consistant back stage and on stage.
SCOTT: Plus a lot of the kids at the show, we
personally know, which is wierd. A lot of the kids
tonight come over to my house and stuff.
ERIC: There's a scripture in Proverbs that says,
"He who covers his sins will not prosper but
whoever confesses and forsakes them, will have
mercy." We as a band, like Adam was saying, if we
have a struggle or we're goofing up, we just tell each
other. We say that we blew it or that I did this or
thought that...it's always really purifying and
cleansing to confess it to God and your brother.
ADAM: Darcy would you lead us in a song now? [laugter]
SCOTT: That's Luis' future wife. Someday, hopefully
soon, I'd like to see them married.
DARCEY: I would too!
SCOTT: Luis, I saw your eyebrows go all the way up! [laugter]
BOBBI: How do you feel about the influence you
have towards those listening to your music...do you
see yourselves as having a greater responsibility or
being more accountable because you're in a band?
ADAM: Oh, yeah.
LUIS: Definately.
ERIC: It does say that in James, "Do not assume
all of you should be teachers because anyone who is a
teacher has a greater responsibility."
LUIS: We're not teachers but we have a greater
accountability to the Lord and being about reproach.
Especially where we are...when we're hanging out with
the kids around us, there's nowhere you can go where
you feel free and can do whatever you want.
BOBBI: Do you sometimes feel like people are
waiting for you to fall?
LUIS: No, I've never felt like that.
ERIC: If anybody's doing that, they've got a problem.
SCOTT: ...but I think I've known a couple people that
don't like me very much, I don't know for what reason,
but yeah they do.
ADAM: I think whenever you're in a position of
leadership, someone's always going to looks for a
weakness and see if you're going to fall or not.
That's where the responsibility comes. those people
who are waiting for you to fall still look up to you
even if they don't like you. They respect what you're
doing and what they Lord's doing...but yeah, sometimes
I feel people are.
BOBBI: You already touched on this a little but
a lot of times I'll see people wanting to serve God
with their music but in time they get caught up in the
whole music scene and attitudes become really
superficial and they forget why they started the band
in the first place. How do you deal with keeping a
SCOTT: We as a band talked about that stuff and said
if we ever got to a point where we're doing it just
for the music and not the ministry, we wouldn't be a
band anymore. That's it. We said that if it ever gets
to a point where we're not preaching or at least not
being an example...if we're not doing it for the Lord
in our hearts then we're not doing it anymore.
LUIS: It's kind of a weird thing to be walking in the
store or something and having people come up to
you...the whole point is that sometimes, being human,
you're in a bad mood or you're tired or...
DARCEY: cranky?
LUIS: Yeah, it's just the whole time you've got to
think to yourself are my actions being prideful. I
have to ask myself, if I take this present, action,
how are people going to look at it? As far as being
"rock star," I worry about it because
sometimes, just my own personality, I'm not really
outgoing like Scott is. I'm not a bubbly guy...but I
would never want somebody to see that I'm a bit
reserved and think that I'm "oh, too good for
SCOTT: I've come to the conclusion as I said before,
I'm just a stupid guy that for some odd reason God is
using me. I blow it everyday but...
ADAM: I think the one defense we have to that is that
we're not afriad to tell each other that we're acting
like a jerk. We joke around but you can tell when
somebody's not in jest. If somebody's going off, we've
established the open accountability to say...hey, wait
a minute, look what the word says.
ERIC: We also try, like on the road, we made a promise
that we'd all be doing devotions every moring and seek
first the kingdom of God. I mean we're always asking
each other...hey, did you do your devotions today? Our
personal time with the Lord is our biggest priority.
Even Luis, on the road, he would get get up in the
allotted time...and I'm not saying he would just get
up 10 minutes before...but he would say "Hey, if
the spirit's speaking to me in my devotional time and
God's not through with me, we're not going to leave to
the next spot until I'm done." So there's
definitely an understanding that when we're seeking
God first, everything else is going to fall into
LUIS: I gave credit to God that we can be so
transparent because the focus is that we're in the
right frame of mind.
ERIC: If we have the word of God, it's going to check
us and help us not to be sinners, I mean, to continue
living in sin....of course, we're human.
BOBBI: I think that's evident in you as a band.
It's almost like you can tell when people are
prayerful type of people and are in touch with God
because you can see it in how they act and in their
sincerity and I see that in you guys. I think that's
really cool.
ERIC: Praise God.
BOBBI: How did you come to know the Lord?
SCOTT: I gave my life to Jesus in 1989 at a Crucified
concert with my friends. Then shortly after I started
backslidding. I was 17 then and I backslid until I was
19. So the first two years of my walk were struggling
and totally denying God. I was into Buddhism and
meditation and stuff. Then I rededicated my life when
I was 19 and we started Plankeye.
ERIC: None of my family is Christian...
SCOTT: Me neither.
ERIC: ...except my grandparents I grew up in a home
where my parents went though a divorce and I saw a lot
of stuff that really broke my heart. In junior high,
people always told me that I had it all. I'm not
saying this in any kind of boastful way, but my eighth
grade year, as young as it may sound, I got Best
All-Around and all these awards. PEople were saying
how I was going to excel and all that. I was just the
biggest pompous little punk and inside I just put on a
mask because I was really heartbroken. I remember
being upstairs in my hallway just crying and listening
to my parents fight and not understanding why things
were happening. Then my freshman year my dad moved to
Switzerland. My dad was my best friend. It was an
unusal father/son relationship...it was extremely
close. I can just go off on that but...I loved my dad
dearly and he left. That was the hardest thing I
everwent through in my life. My girlfriend I had then
came up to me in high school and asked me if I was
still a Christian because I told her I was...I don't
know, I thought it was cool or something. So she asked
if I wanted to go to church Sunday and out of guilt I
said yeah just so I could get her off my back. So I
dressed up and stuff...my mom put a tie on me and gave
me two bucks to give to the congregation. I just
didn't want to be noticed..and we walk in ten minutes
late and we open the door and all eyes are on us. The
youth pastor was playing the guitar and says..hey, how
ya doing? He just seemed like a really nice guy and I
felt really welcomed. So one thing led to another. I
bought a bible and started reading it. I went to
Forest Home where Billy Grahmn got saved and where I
got saved...and I want it to be an evangalist just
like him. [laughter] Ever since then I've pretty much
been serving the Lord.
ADAM: I guess I'm the only one that gew up in a
regular home. My parents are Christians. They have a
strong marrige and last year they celebrated their
25th wedding anniversary. I was a Christian even when
I was little but in the seventh grade I really made a
decision to follow Christ. It changed my life and the
way I lived. I totally didn't understand that wheen I
was in the seventh grade but as you grow older, you
understand what it means to live to follow Christ and
how to give every aspect to Him. So I guess for the
last five years I've bbeen trying to serve the Lord
and doing the best I can.
[Suddenly, Adam can no longer supress his desire to
boggie to his favorite Havalina tune that is seeping
through the walls of the room, so he kindly excuses
himself and runs out the door...we continue.]
LUIS: I dedicated my life to
the Lord when I was in my junior year of high school.
My testimony, there's not a whole lot to say. Through
all the different stuff I did, God kept pulling at me
and there finally came a time when God said that my
time was up and that I'm coming home and I accepted
that. I guess the part of the testimony that I'm
really excited about is that when I first became a
Christian I was the only one in my family. My mom was
raised Methodist. She grew up in the 60's and she got
pretty side-tracked. She used to take us to this
self-meditation church where you meditated to God but
also to Budda and other stuff like that. Since then
both my sisters have come to know the Lord and my
little sister is pretty immature but at least she
DARCEY: She's doing rad.
LUIS: ...oh, she's doing good. You've got to push her
to go to church and stuff like that but that's part of
her age. My mom... the Lord really has done awesome
works in my family, so it's encouraging. My mom is
reading the bible everyday and she's working through a
lot of the stuff she struggles with as far as she's
still real liberal.She has a lot different thoughts
that God's working with. My dad still hasn't given
SCOTT: ...but dads are stubborn.
LUIS: Yeah, but seeing the progress from when I first
became a Christian, he would just take shots at my
faith to now...God has just surrounded him with so
many good Christians staying at our house and stuff.
Just to see how God has opened up his heart and
softened his heart just gives me a lot of hope. I just
see the Lord doing good works and it's really
SCOTT: Nobody in my family is Christian either but in
Luis' family, two of his cousins got saved and now
their dad got saved...it's like a revival going on
over there. It's pretty rad.
LUIS: My sister just came back from a mission trip and
that was just increadible because my sister is alot
like me. She's not really outgoing, she's real
cynical, and it's easy for her to get a negative
attitude. To see her go off on something like that
where your life will be changed...
DARCEY: ...like yours?
LUIS: Yeah, like mine.
SCOTT: Okay, you can ask the next question or else
we'll go off for hours.
BOBBI: Does your past help you to relate to the
struggles that other people are going through?
SCOTT: Oh, yeah. I did just about anything and
everything before I became a Christian. I was
completely and totally in the world so I can pretty
much relate to everything. There's nothing someone can
tell me about and I'll say I don't understand because
I've been there. It's weird...I know that as a kid, I
knew that I wanted to know God and that God had a
purpose for me in life because I was born early and
had four heart failures and just crazy stuff. When I
was 12 or 11 years old, I was at these people's house,
the Adamicks, and they were Christians. They invited
me into the room and introduced me to some
missionaries that preached about Jesus and I thought,
cool. Then they said, "Hey, sit down and play the
piano," and I played the piano..."Play the
guitar," and I played a little guitar...then they
said, "Hey, come over here we want to pray over
you." I thought, okat, whatever...I was hip on
that. So I walked over and they laid hands on me and
prayed. Then they said, "Someday you're going to
be playing music for Jesus. You're going to be
preaching the word of God." I was just like,
whatever, and I went to go play with the other kids. I
waw reading the word and I saw the verse about the
body of elders laying hands on you and I thought, trip
out on that 'cause they knew the Lord was going to use
me one day.
LUIS: I think we have a really good group as far as
reaching out to other people because we're so diverse
just the four of us as far as...
ADAM: ...we're so different.
LUIS: ...but we're all friends and we've all come
close together but if you look at out different
backgrounds and who we are away from the band...not so
much not but when we first started...it's really put
together well as far as reaching out to others.
ERIC: Also one common bond is that Adam, Scott, Luis,
and myself all have a heart to see people come to
Jesus, through Plankeye or whatever. That's really
encouraging to me because that's where my heart is.
That's one really neat common bond we have.
BOBBI: That's so cool...ok, our last question,
how do you explain to someone who's not a Christian
about Jesus when they don't understand you can have a
relationship with someone that you can't physically
ERIC: It's called faith. The bible says that faith is
the evidence of all things not seen and the substance
of things hoped for. Ya knowq what though, even though
you can't see Jesus, you know He's there and that He
loves you...oh. I'm glad you asked this question
because this happened to me the other night and now I
know why it happened. I got back from tour and ate a
lot of cheeseburgers so I went running. It was around
11 at night. I went running and was doing jump rope
and inbetween sets I was walking down my street with
my hands on my head trying to catch my breath saying,
"Remember Mickey D's...Mickey D's"
[laughter] ...it was a clear night and I was looking
up at the sky and all of a sudden out of the sky this
thing just fell down. It looked like glittering fire,
almost as if an angel just dropped real quick in front
of me. It was huge..as big as this room and it wasn't
a shooting star. I was just blown out of my mind and
thinking, whoa. I kept on walking, staring at the sky
and wondering what that was. It was just so beautiful.
I walked about ten more steps towards my house and
said, "Thank you, God." Right after I said
that a shooting star went accross the sky this way.
Right after. I just got chills all through my body and
went, oh dude, and melted. It was really trippy....but
stuff like that, God assures you. You just know the
Lord is real. You can't explain it...and I feel like
I'm talking too much.
[In the meantime, Adam has slipped back in to join us.]
ADAM: What was the question?
LUIS: About faith..ya know, though, for somebody who's
not a Christian, words like faith and stuff like
that...they don't mean a whole lot.
BOBBI: Exactly, expescially when they see Jesus
as just another historical figure.
LUIS: Like for me, before I admitted that God was
real...because I spent a lot of time denying it and
runnning away from the fact. I used to think a lot,
rationalize and stuff, and trick my mind. You can do
that...you can lie to yourself. When it comes God,
there's just that knowing. I think that everyone knows
that there's a God, it's njust whether or not they're
ready to admit it or not. I believe there's a verse in
Isaiah that basically says, if there's nobody togo out
and proclaim the word of God and the truth of God then
the trees and mountians will do it for Him. I think
that's it. You can look at somebody that knows the
Lord...and I mean knows the Lord, not somebody that
goes to church because I think there's a lot of people
that go to church that don't know the Lord. You can
look at somebody that knows the Lord and walks with
God and you can tell the difference. You can see the
Lord and what God has done in their lives. It's a
SCOTT: Yeah, and all the non-Christians that I know
that come over to my house, friends that I gew up
with...they'd come over and talk to me and ask me
questions. I try to explain it to them and say to look
at my life...look how it changed. That's the only way
I think that I could really tell you that God is real.
Look what He's done with my life and what happened to
me...how I was before and how I am now. It really
makes them think.
ERIC: Also, one cannot overlook the persuasion of the
seas, the stars, the solar system, the creative
order...it's just increadible.
DARCEY: ...and your body.
SCOTT: Look at my finger...it moves in crazy ways!
LUIS: Peter Requino talks about the changes of
something like the universe coming out of an
explosion. Now matter how certian that is
feasible...certainly it's feasible but the chances of
that happening are enourmous.
ADAM: The chance of the universe coming together is 1
in 10 to the 40,000th power. 1 in 10 to the 50th
power, in physics, is considered impossible...it can't
happen. Now you're talking about 1 in 10th to the
40,000th and that's science? Oh, yeah we're
intelligent people.
LUIS: Ya know, again, that stuff is really cool and
certainly that has it's place but I think ultimatley...you
can't argue anybody into knowing the Lord.
ADAM: That's for sure.
LUIS: No matter how much I dig apologetics and stuff
like that, I think if somebody's even curious...I
would warn them to be careful because if you ask God
to show Himself to youm by all means, he will. He can
knock you on your face. There's people out there who
are seriously searching for the truth...just try it.
ERIC: You just know. When you accept the Lord, you
just know that He's real and that He loves you. It's
hard to explain but Jesus is a personal friend.
ADAM: The one thing that I hear people say is that
"oh yeah, I already checked out the options and
Jesus didn't work for me." That doesn't make any
sence. Christianity is a thing of faith. How do you
explain faith to somebody? I don't know how but you
know faith by coming to an understanding of who you
are, through God. Only God can show you exactly who
you are. We realize that we are filthy and we can't do
anything without him. We're nothing but filthy rags.
Once you realize that, then you begin to look at your
life...and it's only by the Lord that we can do that.
People who are earnestly seeking to find truth, will
find Christianity and no where else. Everything else
has a hole and this does not.
BOBBI: Thanks so much you guys, do you have any
last comment or words of wisdom to bestow on us?
ERIC: You shall know the truth and the truth will set
you free.
LUIS: Eric's soap and doom is coming!
[Don't ask...it has something to do with a mosquito that followed
Eric from Georgia.--b]
ADAM: I'll say something...a
word of wisdom is that you may regret telling somebody
your dark secrets but once you realize how important
it is to share your life and stuggles with other
people...once you do that, that's probably the point
that, that's probably the point where you're gunna
grow in ways that you never knew that you could or in
ways that you never perceived God doing in your life.
When you open yourself up to other people and deny
yourself, that's when your faith becomes real and your
life begins to change..once you allow the Lord to
change it.
Plankeye Music
CCM Interview
Handmaid Zine
7 Ball Magazine
Sons of Adam (Again)
True Tunes
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