Stavesacre- Interview
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-Stavesacre  Interview


By: Carlo Gironi






1. Hi! How Are you doing ?

I'm doing fantastic, thanks for asking.

2. Your new album has just come out on Nitro Records - how would you
describe this new CD, do you consider it your best stuff ever ?

I definately consider this our best music so far. I think we have
gotten much better at writing songs since the last record.

3. Do old fans of Stavesacre be worried ? Do you sound different from
your previous albums ?

I don't think old fans need to worry. It is definately Stavesacre,
just better.

4. Your new CD is the first for a new label, after you Tooth & Nail
career. Why did you decide to leave that record label , which seems
to be very big, for a "smaller" label like Nitro ?

Nitro is an amazing label that is very supportive of our band. When
we finished our contract with Tooth and Nail, Nitro seemed like the
best label home for us.

5. Do you consider you "S/t" album the most complete ever ? Do you
think it could be better ?

I think it is our most cohesive record to date. I think it's natural
as a musician to always see room for improvement in what you do. We
are amazingly proud of this record but hopefully our next record
will be even better.

6. How was to write the songs and record and produce the new album ?
How long have you been working on this CD ?

We've been working on the songs for this record on and off for three
years. This was the first time we worked with an actual "producer"
(David Bianco), which was a great experience for us because it gave
us an outsiders perspective on our songs.

7. Where did you recorded it - with whom did you produce the album ?

We recorded at Mad Dog Studios in Burbank California. David Bianco
produced the record.

8. Stavesacre is a name linked to post-rock or post-hardcore music,
at least, this is what the majority of people who listen to you say :
how would you describe your sound ?

I think we are a rock band essentially. Some of it is heavy, and
some of it is more melodic. It's hard to come up with a specific
term for it other than rock music.

9. Have you got some particular influences ? Do you take inspiration
from something particular for your lyrics ?

We have a lot of different influences. We listen to everything from
Quicksand to Bjork. Some of my personal influences are: Fireside,
Danzig, Led Zepplin, The Cure, Failure, Hum, The Smiths, Whiskeytown,
AC DC, Queens of the Stone Age...the list goes on and on.

10. What do the lyrics of the new songs deal with ?

Our singer Mark writes all the lyrics and they typically deal with
situations in his and our lives.

11. There is a lot of attention nowadays for what is called
"christian music" - you, as a part of the old roster of Tooth & Nail
Records - how do you see it ? Why do you think a lot of people rather
listen to a P.O.D. album instead of a Marylin Manson one, for example ?

We don't really see ourselves as part of the "christian scene". I
think people like P.O.D. because it's refreshing to hear some
positive music.

12. In your new album you thank Linkin Park - is there a particular reason ?

There DJ Joe has been a fan of the band and we have spent some time
hanging out with him.

13. Have you got some plans of touring now ? Will you support the new
album ? If so, where will you tour and with whom, if you already know
it ?

We will be touring the States for most of November. We are really
excited to play the new songs live. We will also be in Holland and
Germany in December.

14. Nitro was home of such bands as The Vandals, Guttermouth, A.F.I.
and even the Offspring in some way - do you like these bands, do you
listen to them ?

I really like AFI and the Vandals.

15. What's in your cd-player right now ? Or , are there any
bands/albums that you listen to these days and like ?

I've been listening to the new Queens of the Stone Age album a lot as
well as older stuff like AC DC.

16. Is Stavesacre your daily job ? I mean, apart from playing in
Stavesacre, do you do other regular job that have nothing to do with
music or you can live with just music ?

We live off the band while we are touring, but while we are home, we
all work other jobs.

17.I heard that Mark Salomon, the singer from Stavesacre , writes
books. Is this true ? Which kind of books does he write ?

He just finished a book called Simplicity. It is a collection of
stories about the band and his experiences as the singer of our band.

18. What are your plans for the future ?

Touring. We love play live, so our plans for the next year are to
play as much as possible.



By: Carlo Gironi





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